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Here is a report on the lenses that I own and use with my Canon DSLR camera.


These lenses either were 'kit' lenses that came with my Canon DSLR camera, or were purchased because of their reasonable prices for popular use.
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Canon 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 Zoom Lens

This was the 'kit' lens that came with my Canon DSLR.  It is a great general-purpose zoom moderate-wide-angle to moderate-telephoto autofocus stabilized lens!

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Canon 55-250mm F4-5.6 Zoom Lens

This was the first extra lens that I purchased for my Canon DSLR.  It is a great general-purpose zoom telephoto autofocus stabilized lens -- one that I used quite a bit for astrophotography before acquiring my Sigma lens!


These lenses were picked specifically because they were specialized for certain purposes, and because they offer those abilities for a price significantly less expensive than Canon-brand equivalents, and sometimes even with superior optical qualities!

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Sigma APO Tele Macro 400mm F5.6 Canon DSLR Lens

My lens was probably manufactured in 1996 or so, and purchased used from eBay.  Due to a firmware communication change introduced by Canon years ago, the common for changing the F/stop of attached lenses was changed from 0x12 to 0x13 -- which meant that all 3rd party lenses like Sigma now were slightly incompatible with Canon's line of DSLR cameras from that point on.  On my Canon T1i/500D, this means that I get an error whenever I try to change the F/stop of my Sigma lens to anything other than wide-open (F/5.6).  Since this lens is superior to Canon's own 400mm telephono -- especially for astrophotography -- and is much less expensive, this trade-off is worth this downside.

Links to more information about these lens lines:


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Rokinon 85mm F1.4 Canon DSLR Lens

I chose this lens because of its remarkable speed (F/1.4), and sharpness and lack of 'coma' wide open -- great for astrophotography, especially moderate telephoto shots like constellations!

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Rokinon 14mm F2.8 Canon DSLR Lens

I chose this lens because of its remarkable speed (F/2.8), and sharpness and lack of 'coma' wide open -- great for astrophotography, especially for wide shots like the Milky Way!

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Samyang 8mm F3.5 Fisheye Canon DSLR Lens

I chose this lens because of its extreme wide-angle 'fisheye' capabilities at a very low cost -- good for astrophotography, especially for wide shots like the Milky Way!
